Đây là một số địa chỉ của các dòng truyền thừa khác nhau . Đặc biệt Trung tâm Gyuto Vajrayana Center có tất cả các điều một Kim Cang Hữu cần biết như : Kinh sách , Cách thức thờ phụng , Lập bàn thờ theo Mật Tông , hình ảnh các vị Phật để thờ phụng v.v...
Với tài liệu này tại hạ thiết nghĩ nếu chúng ta muốn tu theo Mật Tông thì không còn trở ngại gì nữa .
thân ái
Hung A Om
Gyuto Centers
Gyuto Vajrayana Center http://www.gyutocenter.com/
1439 Old Piedmont Rd.
San Jose, CA 95132
Tel: (408) 926 9430
Fax: (408) 272 1275
Email: info@gyutocenter.org This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Director Ven. Thupten Donyo
Muốn có Kinh Sách thì vô địa chỉ này : http://www.gyutocenter.com/A/Practice_Materials/ Rồi bấn vào Download sẽ có kinh sách nhật tụng cho từng vị Phật .
Gyuto Monks
Gyuto Wheel of Dharma Monastery
4216 Minnehaha Ave.
Minneapolis, MN, 55406
Phone: 612-724-3124 or 612-729-5605
Email: gyutomonks@hotmail.com This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Director Ven. Gedun Kelsang
Gyuto Sacred Arts California
Gyuto Tantric Monastic University/
P.O. Sidhbari-176057, Dharamsala,
Distt Kangra (H.P.) INDIA
Tel: 91 (1892) 236154/234608
Fax: 91 (1892) 234609
Email: gyutotantricuniv@yahoo.com This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Gyuto Monastery Branch
P.O. Tenzin Gang, Via Bomdila, 790 001
West Kameng District (A.P.) INDIA
Tel: 91 (3782) 268218/268217
Gyuto Monastery Branch Office
Tibetan New Camp, House No - 2
Aruna Nagar, Majnu Ka -Tilla
Delhi - 110054 INDIA
Tel: 91 (11) 2381 8368 Office
91 (11) 2381 6649 Guest House
Gyuto Prayer House
P.O. McLeod Ganj, House No 422
Dharamsala, 176219
Distt Kangra, H.P. INDIA
Tel: 91 (1892) 221 876
Gyuto House, Adelaide, Australia
Gyuto House
Riverside Drive, Second Valley
Adelaide, South Australia
Australia 5204
Gyuto Dharma Center, Taiwan
5F, No. 26, Ally 2, Lane 76. Sec. 6.
Xinyi Rd. Taipei Taiwan
Tel: (02) 2759-4499
Fax: (02) 2759 4399
taipei.gyuto@msa.hinet.netThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Tibetan Government in Exile
The Office of Holiness the Dalali Lama
Tibetan Government in Exile
Tibetan Dharma Centers [San Francisco Bay Area]
Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT)
Gyalwa Gyatso, San Jose CA
Land of Medicine Buddha, Soquel CA
Tibetan Center for Wisdom and Compassion, Mill Valley CA
Tse Chen Ling, San Francisco CA
Vajrapani Institute, Boulder Creek CA
Geluk Dharama Centers [USA]
Thubten Dhargye Ling, Long Beach CA
Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies, Ithaca, NY
Compassion and Wisdom Buddhist Association, Rowland Heights, CA
Nyingma Institute, Berkeley CA
Vajrayana Foundation, Correlitos CA
His Holiness Sakya Trizin
Ewam Choden, Berkeley CA
Sakya Dechen Ling, Oakland CA
Kagyu Droden Kunchab, San Francisco CA
Kagyu Office of His Holiness the Karmapa
Santa Monica Karma Kagyu Study Group
Geluk Monasteries [India]
Gaden Shartse Monastery
Drepung Loseling Monastery
Drepung Gomang Monastery
Sera Je Monastery
Sera Mey Monastery
Tashi Lhunpo Monastery
Gyudmed Tantric Monastery
Gyuto Tantric Monastic University
Other Dharma Centers
Centre d'etude et de pratique du Boudhisme Tibetain (France)
Grupo de Estudio de Budismo Tibetano (Argentina)
Lama Tsongkapa.com (in Spanish)
Other Dharma Related Sites
Berzin Archives
The Middle Way in Religions ( www.gileht.com )
Dharma Access Project Buddhist prayers in Braille
LamRim.com (Tibetan Buddhist Internet Radio)
Snow Lion Publications
Shambhala Publications
Maitreya Project
Tibet Related Sites
Bon Foundation
Dalai Lama Foundation
Norbulingka Institute (India)
Tibetan Living Communities
Tibetan Cultural Preservation in Canada
Tibetan Radio Stations
Voice of Tibet
Voice of America
Radio Free Asia
Other Interesting Sites
Mongolia Now
Volunteer Tibet