Lại một trường hợp đầu thai ở Anh

Như mọi đứa trẻ lên 6 khác, bé Cameron Macaulay rất thích vẽ tranh. Tuy nhiên, những bức tranh về tổ ấm thân yêu của em làm mẹ Norma không khỏi dựng tóc gáy: một ngôi nhà màu trắng bên bờ biển Barra - khác xa căn hộ chung cư trong thành phố Glasgow nơi họ đang sinh sống.

Bé Cameron Macaulay. (Ảnh: The Sun).

Cameron cũng luôn miệng kể về người thân “cũ” của em: có cha, mẹ, các anh trai và chị gái - cả một gia đình lớn lúc nào cũng nhộn nhịp tiếng nói cười, chứ không hiu quạnh như cuộc sống hiện tại với mẹ Norma và anh trai Martin.

“Kể từ lúc bắt đầu biết nói, Cameron đã cố gắng kể cho tôi nghe hẳn một câu chuyện về “quá khứ” trên đảo Barra” - cô Norma, 42 tuổi nhớ lại.

“Bé phụng phịu rằng nhà bé hồi xưa có những 3 cái toilet, trong khi căn hộ Glasgow hiện giờ chỉ có mỗi cái con con. Bé kể vanh vách mọi chi tiết về các thành viên gia đình: bố Shane Robertson đã bỏ mạng vì “không quan sát cẩn thận 2 bên” - tôi đoán ông ấy chết vì tai nạn ôtô, mặc dù Cameron không bao giờ nói thế; còn mẹ bé có mái tóc màu hạt dẻ dài ngang hông, rất hay nhoẻn miệng cười...”

“Lần nào nhớ lại thằng bé cũng khóc đỏ hai mắt, rồi nằng nặc đòi tôi đưa trở về Đảo Barra để cho bố mẹ biết bé còn sống khỏe mạnh như thế nào”.

“Ban đầu người trong nhà ai cũng nghi Cameron bịa chuyện, họ còn khen thằng bé có trí tưởng tượng phong phú bất ngờ. Tuy nhiên sự việc trở nên nghiêm trọng khi càng lớn bé càng tỏ ra ủ rũ và sầu thảm, chẳng thể làm cách nào giúp an ủi nguôi ngoai.

Các cô giáo trường mầm non cũng tỏ ra ái ngại khi nhìn chú bé con lúc nào cũng lưng tròng nước mắt. Ngay cả lúc chơi đùa, bé cũng nhớ hồi trước đã cút bắt với các chị gái trên bãi đã ven biển ra sao...”

Gia đình Macaulay không dư dả tài chính cho lắm, bởi một mình mẹ Norma phải làm việc để nuôi nấng hai anh em Martin và Cameron. Do đó mãi đến tháng Hai đầu năm 2006, ước nguyện về Đảo Barra của cậu bé “có-kiếp-trước” mới thành hiện thực nhờ sự tài trợ của một kênh truyền hình.

“Đi cùng chúng tôi có Tiến sĩ Jim Tucker đến từ Virginia. Được biết ông đã nghiên cứu khá nhiều trường hợp “tái sinh” ở trẻ nhỏ như kiểu Cameron.

Đặt chân lên vịnh Cockleshell, việc đầu tiên 3 mẹ con cùng làm là tức tốc dò hỏi tung tích Robertson và “ngôi nhà trắng bên bờ biển”

“Chúng tôi lái thẳng xe về phía biển và ngay lập tức Cameron nhảy chồm lên khi phát hiện ra căn nhà. Theo thông tin từ cơ quan quản lý địa phương, chủ nhà trước đây đúng là mang họ Robertson, tuy nhiên sau khi ông này chết thì mọi người trong gia đình cũng bỏ đi cả”.

Ngôi nhà trắng bên bờ biển Barra trong trí nhớ của Cameron

Quả thật, ngôi nhà có 3 toilet, cửa sổ phòng ngủ nhìn ra đường cất cánh sân bay, và sau vườn thì có 1 cánh cửa bí mật gần như không ai biết - đó là những điều trước đây Cameron luôn hào hứng kể cho tôi. Duy chỉ có điều, mọi tung tích về gia đình người chủ cũ dường như đã bị xóa sạch.

Trở về Glasgow, Cameron đã lấy lại bình tĩnh hơn. Bé không kể về Barra nhiều như trước nữa, và dường như cũng an tâm hơn vì không ai còn nghi ngờ bé bịa chuyện.

“Cameron chưa bao giờ kể chuyện vì sao bé đã rời bỏ “kiếp trước”. Nhưng có 1 lần tôi nghe bé nói chuyện với đứa bạn “đừng sợ chết, bởi chết xong thì vẫn có cơ hội qua về”.

Mẹ Norma và bé Cameron tại thành phố Glasgow

“Khi tôi hỏi: Con đã đến với mẹ như thế nào, Cameron đã trả lời không chút ngần ngại: Con thấy mình rơi tõm vào trong bụng mẹ thôi. Vậy kiếp trước con tên là gì? Cameron mẹ ạ. Con vẫn là Cameron”.


The boy who lived before

Another life ... Cameron Macaulay told stories of his other family


September 08, 2006

LITTLE Cameron Macaulay was a typical six-year-old, always talking about his mum and family.

He liked to draw pictures of his home too — a long single-storey, white house standing in a bay.

But it sent shivers down his mum’s spine — because Cameron said it was somewhere they had never been, 160 miles away from where they lived.

And he said the mother he was talking about was his “old mum.”

Convinced he had lived a previous life Cameron worried his former family would be missing him.

The Glasgow lad said they were on the Isle Of Barra.

Mum Norma, 42, said: “Ever since Cameron could speak he’s come up with tales of a childhood on Barra.

“He spoke about his former parents, how his dad died, and his brothers and sisters.

“Eventually we just had to take him there to see what we could find.

“It was an astonishing experience.”

Cameron’s journey to find his previous life is now the subject of a spooky TV documentary.

Norma said: “His dad and I are no longer together but neither of our families have ever been to the island.

“At first we just put his stories down to a vivid imagination.” Then life took a more sinister turn as Cameron started to become distressed at being away from his Barra family.

Norma said: “It was awful and went on for years.

“When he started nursery his teacher asked to see me and told me all the things Cameron was saying about Barra. He missed his mummy and his brothers and sisters there.

“He missed playing in rockpools on the beach beside his house.

“And he complained that in our house there was only one toilet, whereas in Barra, they had three.

“He used to cry for his mummy. He said she’d be missing him and he wanted to let his family in Barra know he was all right.

“It was very distressing. He was inconsolable.”

Memorable view ... Isle of Barra which Cameron said was his former home

“He wouldn’t stop talking about Barra, where they went, what they did and how he watched the planes landing on the beach from his bedroom window.

“He even said his dad was called Shane Robertson, who had died because ‘he didn’t look both ways.’

“I assume he means knocked over by a car but he never says that.

“One day his nursery teacher told me a film company were looking for people who believed they had lived before.

“She suggested I contact them about Cameron. My family were horrified. There was a lot of opposition to it. I’m a single parent so it was me and Cameron’s brother Martin, who is only a year older than him, who were being badly affected by this.

“Cameron wouldn’t stop begging me to take him to Barra. It was constant.

“I contacted the film company and they followed Cameron’s journey to Barra.

“We had child psychologist Dr Jim Tucker, from Virginia, with us.

“He specialises in reincarnation and has researched other children like Cameron.

“When Cameron was told we were going to Barra he was jumping all over the place with excitement.” The family flew from Glasgow last February and landed on Cockleshell Bay an hour later.

Norma said: “He asked me if his face was shiny, because he was so happy.

Cameron and Norma ... he says 'if you die you come back again'

“When we got to the island and DID land on a beach, just as Cameron had described, he turned to Martin and me and said, ‘Now do you believe me?’

He got off the plane, threw his arms in the air and yelled ‘I’m back.’

“He talked about his Barra mum, telling me she had brown hair down to her waist before she’d had it cut.

“He said I’d like her and she’d like me. He was anxious for us to meet.

“He also talked about a ‘big book’ he used to read, and God and Jesus.

“We’re not a religious family but his Barra family were.”

The Macaulays booked into a hotel and began their search for clues to Cameron’s past. Norma said: “We contacted the Heritage Centre and asked if they’d heard of a Robertson family who lived in a white house overlooking a bay.

“They hadn’t. Cameron was very disappointed. We drove around the island but he didn’t see the house.

“Then we realised that if he saw planes land on the beach from his bedroom window, we were driving the wrong way.”

Next the family received a call from their hotel to confirm that a family called Robertson once had a white house on the bay.

Norma explains: “We didn’t tell Cameron anything. We just drove towards where we were told the house was and waited to see what would happen.

“He recognised it immediately and was overjoyed.

“But as we walked to the door all the colour drained from Cameron’s face and he became very quiet.

“I think he thought it would be exactly the same as he remembered it, that his Barra mum would be waiting for him inside. He looked sad. There was no one there. The previous owner had died but a keyholder let us in.

“There were lots of nooks and crannies and Cameron knew every bit of the house — including the THREE toilets and the beach view from his bedroom window. In the garden, he took us to the ‘secret entrance’ he’d been talking about for years.”

Researchers also managed to track down one of the Robertson family who had owned the house.

Norma said: “We visited them at their new address in Stirling, but couldn’t find anything about a Shane Robertson.

“Cameron was eager to see old family photographs in case he found his dad or himself in any.

“He’d always talked about a big black car and a black and white dog.

“The car and the dog were in the photos.”

Since the family returned to their home in Clydebank, Glasgow, Cameron has been much calmer.

Norma said: “Going to Barra was the best thing we could have done.

“It’s put Cameron’s mind at ease. He no longer talks about Barra with such longing.

“Now he knows we no longer think he was making things up.

“We didn’t get all the answers we were looking for — and, apparently, past life memories fade as the person gets older.

“Cameron has never spoken about dying to me. But he told his pal not to worry about dying, because you just come back again.

“When I asked him how he ended up with me, he tells me he ‘fell through and went into my tummy.’

“And when I ask him what his name was before, he says, ‘It’s Cameron. It’s still me.’

“I don’t think we’ll ever get all the answers.”

The Boy Who Lived Before is on Five on Monday, September 18, at 9pm