Một show truyền hình đang ăn khách ở Mỹ là show Medium . Kể về các vụ án mạng được một nhà ngoại cảm (meium) tên là Allison Dubois .
Đây là chuyện có thật về cô Allison sinh năm 1972, đã có gia đình mà chồng là một kỷ sư điện tử , sống ở thành phố Phoenix, tiểu bang Arizona . Cô này cộng tác viên của biện lý và văn phòng cảnh sát thành phố . Nhiệm vụ của cô là giúp cảnh sát truy tìm hung thủ giết người bằng khả năng ngọai cảm . Cô này cũng có khả năng giống như cô Phạm thị Bích Hằng ở VN . Nghỉa là cô nhìn thấy được vong hồn người chết .

Cha mẹ cô ta đã ly dị nhau khi cô còn nhỏ . Nhưng cô vẫn lớn lên trong vòng yêu thương của cả hai người .
Dù là đã sống xa gia đình từ rất sớm . Nhưng lòng tin và nghị lực mạnh mẽ vẫn có đủ
để ăn học thành tài và có bằng Cử Nhân môn Kinh tế chính trị học và sắc tộc thiểu số .
Nhưng cái làm cho cô khác thường so với vô số người khác là cô có khả năng đặc biệt về ngọai cảm . Với khả năng này cô trở nên một nhà ngọai cảm chuyên nghiệp với nhiệm vụ giúp đở cảnh sát truy tìm tội phạm

Khả năng như "quà tặng trời ban" này của cô còn có cả việc nhìn thấy việc xảy ra trong tương lai , đọc được ý nghỉ người khác , nhìn thấy các vấn đề bịnh trạng trong cơ thể và giao tiếp với người chết .

Chính cô nói: " Vâng, tôi thấy được hồn người chết" . Đôi khi cô nhìn thấy rõ mồn một như họ đang hiện diện bình thường như chúng ta . Có khi đối với một số vong hồn khác thì cô chỉ nghe được tiếng nói , hoặc thỉnh thỏang cũng chỉ ngửi được mùi hương lạ từ "thế giới bên kia" .

Khả năng đặc biệt này đã được thử nghiệm bằng các nhà khoa học rất nhiều lần trong các phòng thí nghiệm
Cô kể rằng lần đầu tiên cô biết mình có khả năng này là vào lúc cô lên 6 tuổi , khi cô thấy được linh hồn của ông của cô .
Một sự việc khác đã làm thay đổi cuộc sống và thế giới của cô là khi cô lên 11 tuổi, đang chạy chơi ngòai đường bằng xe đạp . Cô bị hai người đàn ông lớn tuổi dụ dổ cô lên xe hơi của họ chở đi chơi . Bổng dưng có một tiếng nói lạ từ xa vọng đến bảo cô hảy chạy đi càng xa càng tốt . Và cô đã may mắn chạy thóat . Ngay sau đó thì báo chí địa phương đăng tải các trường hợp có một số bé gái bị bắt cóc . Cô biết rằng mình đã may mắn thóat khỏi một hung thủ nguy hiểm trong khu vực cư trú của mình .

Từ đó, sau này lớn lên , cô ước nguyện đem khả năng mình thực thi công lý , bảo vệ luật pháp . Cô bắt đầu cộng tác với lực lượng điều tra hình sự Biệt Động Texas để phá rất nhiều vụ án mất tích, bắt cóc ,...
Chỉ bằng cách tập trung tư tưởng vào hình ảnh hoặc có khi , chỉ là các tang vật tại hiện trường gây án . Cô có thể linh cảm được các sự việc xảy ra tại đó cũng như hung thủ gây án và linh cảm luôn cả chính xác địa chỉ xảy ra vụ án . Cô cũng nói rỏ là cô không nhận tiền thù lao cho công việc trợ giúp cảnh sát . Trong tất cả vụ án sau khi đã điều tra minh bạch, thông thường thì cảnh sát cũng giấu kín luôn việc nhờ cô giúp đở vì nếu bên luật sư của bị cáo biết được điều này thì họ sẽ moi móc ra để mà làm lung lạc sự quyết định của quan tòa cũng như bồi thẩm đòan . Cảnh sát mà lại đi nhờ thầy bói giúp việc điều tra ? Việc này mà moi ra thì chắc các biện chứng mà cảnh sát đưa ra để buộc tội hung thủ có thể bị các luật sư của bị can vô hiệu hóa .


Medium TV is Show Based on Her Life
You can sneak a peek into the life of Allison DuBois each week on NBC in a TV show called Medium. No matter what you believe about people who can see beyond the physical lives around us, the show is made enjoyable by the characters involved. On TV's Medium, they are normal, attractive, humorous, and somehow tackle the additional pressures of having a medium in the family--not far, apparently, from Allison DuBois' true life story.

The series Medium is based on Allison DuBois's book entitled "Don't Kiss Them Good-Bye." Patricia Arquette was cast to play the role of Allison DuBois, and won an Emmy for her portrayal. Glen Gordon Caron, creator of Moonlighting and many other hits, is the writer for the series.

Allison DuBois is an Arizona native. She was born on January 24, 1972 in Phoenix, Arizona.
Allison graduated from Corona del Sol High School in Tempe in 1990.
While going for her degree, Allison DuBois was also an intern at the District Attorney's office in Phoenix.
Allison received a B.A. in political science with a minor in history from Arizona State University.
Allison DuBois spent four years participating in various tests at the University of Arizona to assist them in their studies of mediums and psychic phenomena.
Just as depicted on the TV show Medium, Allison DuBois' husband is named Joe. He is an aerospace engineer. He recently retired from that career.
Allison and Joe DuBois have three daughters in real life, as depicted in the Medium TV show.
Allison became aware of her special talent when she was 6 years old. She believes that her three daughters have inherited her gift.
Allison DuBois refers to herself as a medium and profiler. She doesn't use the term 'psychic' because of the negative connotation associated with it.
One variation from the Medium TV show: Allison DuBois says that although some of her visions come to her in dreams, most of them come to her when she's awake

Allison Dubois: I can see dead people

The notion of people with psychic powers has always been of interest to many of us, so when we learned that an author, a woman who has had a US television series based on her life, was visiting Australia, the ABC jumped at the opportunity to speak with her.

Allison Dubois is a native of Phoenix, Arizona, where she was born in 1972.

Her early life was in many respects unspectacular. Her parents divorced when she was a baby, but Allison grew up ‘knowing both of them loved her’.

After what she describes as a pretty difficult and lonely adolescence, her mother divorced her stepfather when she was twelve, Allison was living out of the family home before she was sixteen.

Despite some early setbacks, Allison’s determination to succeed saw her graduate from Arizona State University with BA in Political Science and Minors in History.

What sets Allison Dubois apart from countless other individuals is that she discovered when she was very young that she had psychic abilities, which eventually led her to become a professional medium, and a ‘profiler’, helping police and law authorities solve baffling cases.

Her ‘gift’ includes the ability to predict future events, to see into people’s minds, to detect health problems in the living and to communicate with the dead.

In her own words “Yes, I do see dead people everywhere...”

Allison was asked about making those distinctions in people with psychic ability – clairvoyance and clairaudience, or psychokinesis, asking what the sensations she received were like, and how her abilities manifested themselves.

She replied saying that sometimes she sees people ‘as if they were right there beside her’, while at other times she heard voices, and on occasions smelt a perfume, or recognized a characteristic scent that came from ‘the other side’.

Order 'Don't Kiss Them Good-bye' through Amazon.com

Allison was asked how she knew there was life after death and how she could be so positive about ‘the other side’, and her frank reply was clear and to the point.

She has been ‘dealing with disembodied souls and human energies’ from beyond the grave since she could remember, and simply knows her experiences to be true.

Allison has also been extensively tested by a number of different investigation teams in scientific conditions and in controlled laboratory examinations, all of which proved her psychic abilities with standout results.

She claims to have had her first strange experience, which was meeting her grandfather after he had died, at only six years of age.

An event when she was eleven would shape her future path and the work that she did.

One day when she was out riding her bike in her home neighbourhood in Pheonix, two young men attempted to entice her into the car they were driving.

Allison was alone on the street, realised she didn’t know the men, and was terrified and frozen with shock.

She says a voice suddenly startled her out of her immobile state by ordering her to get away as fast as possible, telling her to ride her bike home as quickly as she could.

Soon after, a number of attacks against children and unsolved child abductions in her home state made her realize that she had been saved by one of her ‘guardians’ or ‘guides’, and that she had had a lucky escape from a situation that could have seen her hurt, molested, or perhaps ever murdered.

Allison says this realization changed the course of her life, although she didn’t fully understand it at the time, but the seed had been sown to allow her to channel her abilities to help prevent crime, or to solve crimes ‘in which children had been made targets by depraved and evil people’.

In her book, which is a personal perspective of many aspects of her life, Allison reveals her views on specific cases that brought her a level of credibility within policing and crime detection agencies, when she was invited to work with Texas Rangers in solving disappearances and cases of abductions.

She found, when looking at photographic evidence, that she could glean information from the perpetrator’s viewpoint, picturing places they had been and locating specific sites where crimes had been committed.

Allison points out in her book that she has never accepted any payment for her services in any of the cases she has helped solve, and always works with the prosecution to ensure that violent and sociopathic individuals are put away.

While most police departments will not engage with a psychic for assistance, Allison says many agencies do use people like her with similar gifts, but are careful not to reveal this, as the defence attorneys would willingly exploit public skepticism to discredit ‘witnesses’ like her who ‘see things’ but cannot substantiate their visions with hard evidence that holds up in court.

She merely attempts to reveal things unknown to police, in the form of names, locations, licence plate numbers, or smells or other sensory stimuli that are associated with crimes and criminal behaviour.

Allison says that being a medium and a crime profiler is not a specific science, it is more a matter of receiving pictures, sounds, images and often disjointed information that comes from other minds, whether dead or alive.

She also insists on only taking on a limited number of such cases per year, as the effort required takes its toll, physically and emotionally, from her.

Another interesting facet of Allison’s book “Don’t Kiss Them Goodbye” is the theme of reassurance that we are never alone, and we are under the watchful eyes of past relatives who are deceased and who have been significant in our lives, and a number of others who are often referred to as ‘angels’ or, more simply, our ‘guides’.